What is Large Volume Liposuction?
September 28, 2019
Power assisted liposuction and Large Volume Liposuction is similar to tumescent liposuction but uses a motorized, (electric or pneumatic) handpiece to move the cannula which is less traumatic to the patient and less strain on the surgeon. Ultrasound-assisted liposuction evolved from the early ultrasonic cannulas which were hollow and had a high complication rate (burns of skin and other soft tissues) to the use of solid ultrasonic cannulas and 2 stage fat removal. A variation of this is the VASER which is an ultrasonic cannula with several grooves which more evenly disperse the energy improving fat disruption and removal. It uses pulses of ultrasonic energy to minimize the risk of injury to the skin or other structures and tends to target fat cells preferentially.Read Full Post
Category: Body Contouring, Liposuction